Huge fan of this app. Really easy to set up. Easy to use. Very functional. The app has a lot of great features. I holy recommend this app
SeaNav US App Reviews
Awesome app
AIS fan
Great app for viewing ships in Los Angeles harbor.
Amazing app
This app is truly amazing. It automatically couples with other apps, like the AIS beacon app, et al.
Purchased app yesterday and initially worked perfectly, then my iPad wouldnt show position on SeaNAv. Strange. I emailed Steve Bennett @ Pocket Electric (the developer) and I had an email back from him this morning. Theres a known bug in the llatest bersion of iOS software that prevents the iPad from accepting location from the extenral GPS (in my case, a Dual). The fix is on the iPad: (1) turn off location services on iPad; (2) reboot iPad; (3) wait 5 seconds and turn iPad on; (4) turn location services on. This may need to be done whenever the problem reappears. Lets hope Apple fixes this soon. Anyway, the SeaNav app is outstanding and a real bargain for the recreational boater, in my opinion. And the quick, accurate and friendly tech support seals the deal for me!
Waste of money
Google maps is better
Very cool app!
I also have boat beacon that overlays AIS data on these nautical charts and its great to watch, especially during meetings when youd rather be on the water :)
The Disappearing App
I purchased this app today and have yet to keep it open for more than 15 seconds at a time. The App abruptly closes and returns me to my desktop. There is not enough time to even ask for help! Ten bucks for a wink of navigation aid is NOT worth it!
Works best on iPad 3 with cellular/wifi as this iPad 3G has a GPS assisted capability whether connected or not to a cellular network. IPad 2 wifi (no cellular) dees NOT have a GPS Satellite Receiver in them so you would need to add a GPS receiver to an iPad 2. I tried using a Verizon Hot Spot Cellular with iPad 2 and neither worked, nor did Apple Maps or Google Maps. There are no cellular towers in the middle of Lake Michigan, so the triangulated cellular cannot function on a iPad 2. You end up sliding along the shoreline and never go out into the Lake. The same problem happens with Apple Maps and Google on an iPad 2 with wifi. Apple Tech Support acknowledges that they are having problems with Apple Maps and today acknowledged issues reported with SeaNav and BoatBeacon, both sold through their AppStore because of the lack of a GPS receiver in the iPad. I took back my iPad2 wifi and picked up a iPad 3G which allows SeaNav & Boat Beacon to work out on the water. The Technical Support and Management at SeaNav/Boat Beacon provided excellent support and personal attention to my concerns and answered all my help requests. A+
Love the look and feel of the charts. Easy to read. Zoom in and out makes my onboard Raymarine software/equipment a relic. Use in conjunction with Boat Beacon (app). This will give you real time AIS!
App is suppose to cover all US charts yet none of the lakes in my area show up. In fact, none of the lakes in my state show up, and we are talking some rather large bodies of water. The only body of water to show up is a floodplain called little blue river which isnt even navigable, lol. App should correctly read only select US bodies of water, not ALL U.S. charts. Waste of $10. Navionics is much more complete.
This app saved us last night in the fog. Got home safe thanks to this excellent app!
Needs much improvement
Loads charts very slowly. Should have an option to turn land detail off. Charts are simple to read when the do load. I would not have purchases this app if I was able to use it first. There are much better navigation apps available.
Needs work
It would be a great app IF it would use iPad internal gps. At the moment it requires you to connect to external gps! How stupid is that?! I used version of this software back on PC. Back than I understood need of external gps. Not theses days. Please fix it. Meantime I will stick to iSailor.
when you set sail to a point it crashes and then you have to start all over. Adding spots should be simple but its not, (you should be able to tap in boat position and add your fav spot), zoom in out is app took a time to load or freezes!
Crashes frequently
I am running this app on an iPhone 5 with iOS 7. Since purchasing I havent been able to use the app due to it crashing every time I open it. Please update your app to work with the new iOS or remove it from the App Store if you cannot support it.
Will not run on my 124g iPad3 more than two minutes before crash.
Slow to the point of being unusable
The slightest move on the chart causes a 5-20 second wait for the map to redraw itself. Zooming out makes the map unreadable for at least as long. Simplifying the map only helps a little bit...still too slow to use. The charts are way too busy graphically speaking-very hard to even find a channel with giant marker icons. The only good thing is that is coordinates with boat beacon, a very good app. Get Navionics. 1000 times better.
Too slow and crash prone
It crashes about half the time thus far
The charts draw soooooo slowly, this app is virtually unusable.
Nice improvements
They keep working on this app and its become much better, performance is good on my iphone 5
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